Notification2025/01/08 (Wed)
U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship - NAW 202...
Check out these important updates regarding National Apprenticeship Week!
NAW 2024 Report Image
NATIONAL APPRENTICESHIP WEEK 2024 REPORT NOW AVAI...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/09 (Thu)
Statement from Acting Secretary Julie Su on International Lo...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
Statement from Acting Secret...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/10 (Fri)
Updated Schedule Award Policy and Procedures
Attention AMUs and ARs:
As outlined in this DOL blog post [ https://blog.dol.gov/2025/01/07/a-new-chapter-for-fairness-modernizing-schedule-award-procedures ] a...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/10 (Fri)
US Department of Labor releases 2nd Pattern of Violations sc...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
US Department of Labor relea...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/10 (Fri)
Statement by Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su on December ...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
Statement by Acting Secretar...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/10 (Fri)
US Department of Labor, Office of the Trade Representative a...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
US Department of Labor, Offi...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/12 (Sun)
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Weekly Digest Bulletin
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
*The Week Ahead for the Department of Homeland Security January 5 – January 10 * "01/03/2025" <!-- /*start reset css*/ div ...- [注册人]U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- [区]Washington DC, DC
Notification2025/01/13 (Mon)
Learn more about your Regional Prevention Coordinator
Watch our new video to learn how RPCs can help your community
header [ https://www.dhs.gov/CP3 ]
Learn how Regional Prevention Coo...- [注册人]U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- [区]Washington DC, DC
Notification2025/01/13 (Mon)
Learn about the Latest US DOL Opportunities!
Our Summer 2025 Student Volunteer opportunities are open!
DOL Logo [ https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs ]
Jobs Open to the Public
- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/13 (Mon)
New resources from the Women’s Bureau
We’re sending this mid-month update to bring you a roundup of our recently released products and resources.
WB Updates Header [ https://www.dol.gov/agencies/wb ]<...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/13 (Mon)
US Department of Labor secures agreement with JBS USA, natio...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
US Department of Labor secur...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/13 (Mon)
US Department of Labor sues Wichita adult gentlemen’s club i...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
US Department of Labor sues ...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/13 (Mon)
US Department of Labor announces $25M in available funding t...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
US Department of Labor annou...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/13 (Mon)
Statement from Acting Labor Secretary on USDA study’s worker...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
Statement from Acting Labor ...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/14 (Tue)
EBSA Website Update
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration [ https://www.dol.gov/agencies/ebsa ] posted the following:
*No Surprises Act Implementation FAQs*- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/14 (Tue)
EBSA Website Update
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration [ https://www.dol.gov/agencies/ebsa ] posted the following:
*Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program*...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/14 (Tue)
US Department of Labor announces enforcement relief on missi...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
US Department of Labor annou...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/14 (Tue)
US Department of Labor cites Pennsylvania soap, detergent ma...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
US Department of Labor cites...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/14 (Tue)
El Departamento de Trabajo de EE. UU. multa a un padre y a u...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
El Departamento de Trabajo d...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC
Notification2025/01/14 (Tue)
US Department of Labor announces improvements to its Volunta...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
US Department of Labor annou...- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [区]Washington, DC