Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) Roundup, November 2024
- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
- 登録日 : 2024/11/20
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/20
- 変更日 : 2024/11/20
- 総閲覧数 : 45 人
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*Welcome to the MCBS Roundup for November 2024!*
The MCBS Roundup is a bi-monthly digest of recent product announcements from the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS).
*Infographic on Internet Access and Use Among Medicare Beneficiaries Living in the Community 2023*
November 15, 2024: CMS released an infographic [ https://www.cms.gov/data-research/research/medicare-current-beneficiary-survey/data-briefs-tutorials/internet-access-and-use-among-medicare-beneficiaries-living-community-metropolitan-residence-status ] on internet access and use among Medicare beneficiaries living in the community by metropolitan residence status. Accompanying the infographic is an updated PUF [ https://www.cms.gov/research-statistics-data-and-systems/research/mcbs/data-tables/2023-mcbs-early-puf-internet-access-and-use-among-medicare-beneficiaries ] on internet access and use among Medicare beneficiaries in 2023. .
*Public Use File on Socio-Demographic and Health Characteristics of Medicare Beneficiaries Living in the Community by Metropolitan Residence Status 2022*
November 15, 2024: CMS released updates to the PUF [ https://www.cms.gov/research-statistics-data-and-systems/research/mcbs/data-tables/mcbs-socio-demographic-and-health-characteristics-medicare-beneficiaries-living-community ] on socio-demographic and health characteristics of Medicare beneficiaries by metropolitan residence status with data for 2022..
*2022 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) Cost Supplement LDS*
October 31, 2024: CMS released the Cost Supplement Limited Data Set (LDS) [ https://www.cms.gov/data-research/research/medicare-current-beneficiary-survey/data-documentation-codebooks/2022-mcbs-cost-supplement-file ]. The Cost Supplement LDS provides a comprehensive picture of health services received by Medicare beneficiaries as well as amounts paid and source of payment for all medical events. To request access to the LDS, researchers must agree to certain data privacy/security requirements and data use policies by signing a Data Use Agreement with CMS.
*2022 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) Survey File PUF*
October 31, 2024: CMS released the Survey File Microdata Public Use File (PUF) [ https://data.cms.gov/medicare-current-beneficiary-survey-mcbs/medicare-current-beneficiary-survey-survey-file ]. The Survey File PUF provides information on topics such as Medicare beneficiaries’ health conditions and access to and satisfaction with care, while ensuring the highest degree of protection for Medicare beneficiaries’ protected health information.
*2024 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) Questionnaires*
October 10, 2024: CMS released 2024 questionnaire specifications for both the Community and Facility survey instruments. The specifications can be accessed here [ https://www.cms.gov/data-research/research/medicare-current-beneficiary-survey/questionnaires/2024-questionnaires-1 ].
*2023 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) Survey File – Early Release LDS*
September 25, 2024: CMS released the Survey File – Early Release (LDS). The Survey File – Early Release includes select microdata from the 2023 MCBS Survey File LDS and is available to researchers on an expedited schedule. To request access to the LDS, researchers must agree to certain data privacy/security requirements and data use policies by signing a Data Use Agreement with CMS.
*Want to learn more about the MCBS?*
Please visit the following page for more information: Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) [ https://www.cms.gov/research-statistics-data-and-systems/files-for-order/limiteddatasets/mcbs ]. MCBS Limited Data Sets (LDS) are available to researchers with a data use agreement (DUA). Requests for the MCBS LDS files must be made through the CMS DUA tracking system known as the Enterprise Privacy Policy Engine (EPPE). Information on ordering MCBS files from CMS, including instructions for accessing and using EPPE to make a request, can be obtained through the CMS LDS website: Limited Data Set (LDS) [ https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Files-for-Order/Data-Disclosures-Data-Agreements/DUA_-_NewLDS ]. MCBS Public Use Files (PUFs) are available to the public as free downloads and can be found through the CMS PUF website at MCBS Public Use File (PUF) [ https://data.cms.gov/medicare-current-beneficiary-survey-mcbs ].
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