Cloud VPN Migration to Zscaler
- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
- 登録日 : 2024/05/14
- 掲載日 : 2024/05/14
- 変更日 : 2024/05/14
- 総閲覧数 : 107 人
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CMS Cloud
Cloud VPN Migration to Zscaler
*Summary *
On *February 19th, 2024*, the CMS Hybrid Cloud Team began migrating accounts from Cloud VPN to Zscaler as part of our commitment to improve our security posture, optimize network performance, ease deployments, and enhance automatic discovery of security threats. Zscaler offers advanced cloud security services that will not only fortify our network but also provide a more efficient and reliable connection.
If you have not yet migrated from Cloud Cisco Virtual Private Network (VPN) to Zscaler and need assistance, contact your IUSG Advisor to *start your migration to Zscaler as soon as possible. *
*There will be no impact to accounts using Cloud VPN as you will still have access until the migration is complete.* If you have already migrated to Zscaler, do not log back into Cisco VPN, and no further action is required.
The migration period *began on February 19th, 2024, and will continue until July 30th, 2024, when Cloud Cisco VPN will be decommissioned.*
*Learn More*
To learn more about Zscaler, you can access user documentation for contractors, download the software client, find installation instructions for Windows or Mac, learn how to improve your web browsing speed when connected to Zscaler, and find FAQs at the *VPN Setup Page* [ https://vpnsetup.cms.gov/cloudvpnmigration ].
*Please read the “Zscaler VPN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for ADOs” available under the “Documentation” section as this will provide you information on common troubleshooting tips, best practices, and how to gain remote access to Zscaler.*
If you are already using a company provided Zscaler account, please contact your corporate IT support to request assistance on how to connect to CMS Zscaler. Your corporate IT support will assist you by following the instructions available at *VPN Setup Page* [ https://vpnsetup.cms.gov/cloudvpnmigration ].
Have questions? Office Hours sessions are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 2pm to 3pm ET, until July 30th, 2024, to answer any questions and troubleshoot issues. You can join the Office Hours sessions *here [ https://cms.zoomgov.com/j/1605771065?pwd=STVua3RhT0pkWG45QXdTblcvMStmdz09 ]*.
We look forward to working with you and your team on this effort. Please reach out to your IUSG Advisor with any questions.
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