2025 Fatalities - Focus - Safety Alert
- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Washington, DC
- 登録日 : 2025/03/11
- 掲載日 : 2025/03/11
- 変更日 : 2025/03/11
- 総閲覧数 : 13 人
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Safety Alert
2025 Fatalities - Focus
Ten miner fatalities occurred between January 3 and March 5, 2025 – more than triple the number for the same period in 2024. Accidents classified as Powered Haulage remain the most common with four fatalities, followed by Machinery (two fatalities), and Fall of Face, Rib, Side or Highwall (two fatalities).
Four fatalities involved failures of ground or coal rib conditions. Four fatalities involved improper maintenance or unsafe operation of equipment. One fatality involved explosives, and another involved not locking and tagging out equipment.
The Mine Safety and Health Administration asks you to remain vigilant every day at our nation’s mines. Fatalities can be prevented by implementing effective safety and health programs. Important elements in any safety and health program include workplace examinations, hazard recognition and avoidance, and training. To prevent serious and fatal accidents, everyone in the mining industry needs to be alert for hazards.
MSHA is urging the mining community to focus on identifying and eliminating safety and health hazards. When we work together, we can succeed in improving safety and health for miners.
*Best Practices:*
* Conduct examinations prior to working or traveling near ribs and highwalls. For highwalls, conduct more frequent examinations after periods of rain, freezing, and thawing.
* Operate and maintain equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
* Clear and remove all persons from the blast area unless suitable blasting shelters are provided to protect persons from flyrock.
* Develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure tasks are performed safely.
* Train miners in safe maintenance and repair procedures. This includes safe access, lock out/tag out, and blocking equipment against hazardous motion.
* Train miners on how to identify hazards and unsafe work practices and give them the ability to stop unsafe activity.
learn more [ https://www.msha.gov/news-and-updates/alerts-hazards/filter/2025-fatalities-focus-safety-alert ]
"Miners and mine operators can find safety and health information [ https://www.msha.gov/training-education/safety-health-materials ] on MSHA.gov [ https://www.msha.gov/ ]."
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