CMS Cloud Weekly change newsletter 3/20/2025
- [注册人]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Baltimore, MD
- 注册日期 : 2025/03/20
- 发布日 : 2025/03/20
- 更改日期 : 2025/03/20
- 总浏览次数 : 14 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 华盛顿特区 ・ 弗吉尼亚州 ・ 马里兰州 ・ 康涅狄格州 家庭医生。请随时用日语...
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- 精神病学 ・ 欢迎来到心身医学家松木隆医生的华盛顿特区办公室 我们为整个华盛顿特...
他们中的许多人面临着各种压力,例如对外国的不熟悉、对新工作或新学校的不适应、文化和语言障碍以及与日本家人和朋友的分离。高度的压力会导致各种精神障碍。 您是否有这些症状 ? 情绪低落、疲劳、倦怠、失去乐趣、失去兴趣、孤独、易怒、内疚、空虚、食欲不振、食欲增加、焦虑、恐慌、恐惧症、压力、易怒、感觉模糊、愤怒、失眠、嗜睡、噩梦、注意力不集中、心烦意乱、坐立不安、失落、悲伤、厌食、暴饮暴食、头晕、麻...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- 它是一个非营利性组织,将全美讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者联系在一起,并为日本社...
FLAT ・ FLAT是一个非营利性组织,总部设在纽约市,业务遍及全美,为讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者牵线搭桥,并为日本社区提供支持。 随着越来越多的日本人及其照顾者在美国面临复杂的医疗保健和保险问题,随着越来越多的老年人随着年龄的增长而变得孤立无援,我们为他们提供所需的信息和支持。 我们还在网上积极开展活动,并向居住在纽约以外的人开放。 我们致力于通过与健康相关的计划满足您的需求,请...
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Weekly change newsletter 3/20/2025
Each week, the CMS Cloud program provides a list of upcoming changes, maintenance windows, and updates to help customers build awareness and plan effectively and summarizes changes from the previous week.
This newsletter includes:
* Completed change summary for the week of 3/13/2025 [ #CC ]*
* 3/22/2025 - Restart Production and Non-Prod HEC Servers [ #HEC ]
* 3/22/2025 - DevOps Services Maintenance [ #Devops ]
* 3/26/2025 - Marketplace SSM patching - IMPL [ #Nonmarketplace ]
* 3/26/2025 - Non-Marketplace SSM patching - PROD [ #SSMPROD ]
* Enterprise Testing Services Notification [ #ALM ]
Completed change summary for the week of 3/13/2025
* 3/13/2025 - Tenable Security Center Minor Version Upgrade [ #Tenable ]
* 3/15/2025 - Restart Production and Non-Prod HEC Servers [ #HEC ]
* 3/19/2025 - Non-Marketplace SSM patching - DEV/TEST/IMPL [ #NonmarketplaceSSM ]
* 3/19/2025 - Marketplace SSM patching - DEV/TEST [ #MarketplaceSSM ]
To learn details about previous changes please go to the News and Updates [ ] section on (Secure Access required)
For Patching and Gold Image release schedule please view :Patching and Gold Image Release Calendar - 2025 [ ]
*3/22/2025 - Restart Production and Non-Prod HEC Servers*
In order to keep the environment performing well, the CMS Hybrid Cloud team will conduct maintenance on the Cloud instances of the Http Event Collector (HEC) infrastructure every Saturday, starting March 8th from 10 AM to 11:30 PM through May 31st.
*Actions we are taking:*
* Restart Production and Non-Prod HEC Services
*When is this happening?*
Start Time: Saturday, 3/22/2025 at 10:00 a.m. ET
End Time: Saturday, 3/22/2025 at 11:30 p.m. ET
Restarts will be every Saturday from 10:00 am ET through 11:30 PM ET until the End date/time.
*Who will be impacted?*
There is no expected impact to users.
*What is the impact?*
Restart Production and Non-Prod HEC Services - There is no anticipated downtime or impacts to the logging ingest process.
3/22/2025 - DevOps Services Maintenance
CMS Hybrid Cloud team will be performing maintenance updates on its DevOps tools.
*Actions we are taking:*
* Upgrade CloudBees Jenkins CI, Jfrog, ans SonarQube
* Upgrade nodes to latest EKS gold image for CMS Cloud Jfrog, CBJ and SonarQube
* Upgrade EKS add-ons and supporting components
*When is this happening?*
Start time: Saturday, 3/22/2025 at 9:00 p.m. ET
End time: Sunday, 3/23/2025 at 1:00 a.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
All AWS Commercial and GovCloud customers of CloudBees, JFrog, and SonarQube.
*What is the impact? *
Customers should expect a short downtime for each service as instances are restarted within the maintenance window.
3/26/2025 - Marketplace SSM patching - IMPL
* Marketplace IMPL
* SSM Linux & Windows Vulnerability Patching
*Actions we are taking: *
As part of our normal patching, the CMS Hybrid Cloud team will apply the latest Windows and Linux patches on Wednesday, 03/26/2025 at 9:00 p.m. ET. The week's patches will impact the IMPL environment for the affected Marketplace applications noted below.
*When is this happening?*
Start Time: Wednesday, 3/26/2025 at 9:00 p.m. ET
End Time: Thursday, 3/27/2025 at 2:00 a.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
FFM_Opera, XES - CyberArk, OCEAN, VAMS, TWS, XES - XOC Tools, SERVIS, FFM_Shared_Services, FFM MLMS, XES - MSI Tech Lab, FFM_FM, FFM_TWS, FFM_PM, XES - Service Virtualization
*What is the impact? *
Patches will be transmitted to the affected areas. For some customers, reboots may occur depending upon the tags applied.
3/26/2025 - Non-Marketplace SSM patching - PROD
* Non-Marketplace PROD
* SSM Linux & Windows Vulnerability Patching
*Actions we are taking: *
As part of our normal patching, the CMS Hybrid Cloud team will apply the latest Windows and Linux patches on Thursday, 03/26/2025 at 9:00 p.m. ET. The week's patches will impact the PROD environment for the affected Non-Marketplace applications noted below.
*When is this happening?*
Start Time: Wednesday, 3/26/2025 at 9:00 p.m. ET
End Time: Thursday, 3/27/2025 at 2:00 a.m. ET
*Who will be impacted? *
*Reboot* - CEDAR, FFSDCS, RASS, OC Base- eLDAP, SC CLIA, NTP LMS, Spott MACBIS, MDP, OC Base- WNMG, NEIL/HRES, OC Base- EWST, MacFin, eAPD Hi-C, OC Base- CMS Cloud Legacy, OC Base- DevSecOps SecDevOps, iServ, MDP, PECOS2.0, SEI, NDW, OC Base- PWSS, TRA, CMS ARTS, MCIM, RAD Analysis Tools, MCIM, Perm, CMS Cloud - CRE, CMS Cloud - Enterprise Agile Tools, CMS Cloud tamer, CMS Cloud - CARD, CMS Cloud - ECS Fargate, CMS Cloud - Direct Connect, CMS Cloud - Jfrog SonarCube, CMS Cloud - DNS Prod, CMS Cloud - SRE, CMS Cloud - Governance 2.0, MEOWx, CMS Cloud - CloudBees Jenkins, CMS Cloud - CET, CMS Cloud - DevSecOps, CMS Cloud - Utilities, CMS Cloud - Testrail, CMS Cloud - CircleCI, CMS Cloud - Sam GSS Security GovCloud, SWIFT
*No reboot* - MEPBS, EACMS, MacPro, PS&R, RDS, OC Base- APIM GEO, 1115 PMDA, CMS Cloud - Governance 2.0, CMS Cloud - QuickDNS, CMS Cloud - CMSNet, CMS Cloud - CCG Web Content, CMS Cloud - Network Arch, CMS Cloud - VPC Automation, CMS Cloud - Security Team, CMS Cloud - CCG Web Content, CMS Cloud Temporal, CMS Cloud - Splunk, CMS Cloud - CET, AWS GSS Security GC, CMS Cloud - Splunk GovCloud Dev
*What is the impact? *
Patches will be transmitted to the affected areas. For some customers, reboots may occur depending upon the tags applied
*_Enterprise Testing Services Notification_*
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is upgrading the Quality Center (QC) tool from Version 12 to Version 17. The upgrade and cutover process will begin in *April 2025,* with fully automated, application-by-application data migration with no impacts to existing data on the legacy server. A Product Owner (PO) from the Enterprise Testing Services (ETS) team will reach out to Application Development Organizations (ADOs) to discuss individualized scheduling.
*No action is needed at this time. If your ADO is affected by this migration, you will be contacted by the ETS team PO beginning in April to review your schedule and plan your individual migration.* If you have questions about the ALM upgrade, please contact your assigned Hosting Coordinator.
Need help? We are here to support you.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your assigned Hosting Coordinator. CMS IT Support can be reached via, <> or call (800) 562-1963, and is documented here at Support Page [ ] on [ ].
Office of Information Technology
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To update your subscription(s), preferences or to stop receiving messages from the CMS Cloud Operations, Changes, and Outages Updates- distribution list, please go to our Subscriber Preferences Page [ ].
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