Workplace Safety Reminder for September 27, 2024
Workplace Safety Reminder
Know how to protect yourself during flood cleanup activities. [ https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA3972.pdf ]
learn...- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [エリア]Washington (Northwest Washington), District of Columbia
Court issues warrant for defunct Baltimore company’s owner’s...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
Court issues warrant for def...- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [エリア]Washington, DC
Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
Unemployment Insurance Weekl...- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [エリア]Washington, DC
Department of Labor finds manufacturer ignored machine safet...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
Department of Labor finds ma...- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [エリア]Washington, DC
Department of Labor sues principal of defunct Pennsylvania m...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
Department of Labor sues pri...- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [エリア]Washington, DC
US Department of Labor awards more than $3.4M to continue di...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
US Department of Labor award...- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [エリア]Washington, DC
US Department of Labor recovers $138K in back wages, damages...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
US Department of Labor recov...- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [エリア]Washington, DC
ICYMI: Acting Secretary Su champions workforce development p...
You are subscribed to OPA News Releases for United States Department of Labor. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
ICYMI: Acting Secretary Su c...- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [エリア]Washington, DC
注意喚起 : 銀行職員や警察官等を装った電話詐欺(特殊詐欺)
1 最近、当館管轄地域において、銀行や警察官を装い、銀行口座の凍結や逮捕を示唆し、邦人の個人情報や金銭をだまし取ろうとする詐欺事案が発生しました。同様の手口による詐欺被害の報告は、アメリカの他の総領事館にも多数寄せられています。
2 詐欺...- [登録者]在アメリカ合衆国日本国大使館
- [TEL]202-238-6700
- [エリア]Washington (Northwest Washington), District of Columbia
CMS Cloud Weekly change newsletter 09/27/2024
CMS Cloud
Weekly change newsletter 09/27/2024 -Update
Each week, the CMS Cloud pr...- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
Update: Join CMS for a Medicaid Announcement Today, Septembe...
CMS Regional Office
Update: Join CMS for a Medicaid Announcement Today, September 26 at 4:30pm ET
___________________________________________________...- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
Registration Open: CMS Optimizing Healthcare Delivery to Imp...
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Admin Simp banner
Dear partners and colleagues,
I’m pleased to share that registration is *now open* for the "2024 ...- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
ACO Primary Care Flex (ACO PC Flex) Model: Preliminary ACO P...
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
*ACO Primary Care Flex (ACO PC Flex) Model:*
*Preliminary ACO PC Flex FQHC & RHC Add-Ons Posted** *
The ...- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
ODEP News Brief - Make Your AI Hiring Tools Inclusive and Ac...
Also: NDEAM, improving national disability data, and suicide prevention in the workplace
[ https://www.dol.gov/agencies/odep/publications/news-brief ] <...- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [エリア]Washington, DC
Boletin Informativo Semanal para Proveedores de Medicare - W...
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
*Dear Medicare provider and partner, please, review this Weekly Bulletin for important information.*
*September 26, 2024...- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
September 26, 2024 Memo Release: Issuance of Clinical Labora...
CMS Header
*Issuance of Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) State Agency Performance Review (SAPR)—Fiscal Year 2024 (FY 2024) [ https://www.cm...- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
Guidance on Health Coverage Requirements for Children and Yo...
CMS Regional Office
Biden-Harris Administration Releases Historic Guidance on Health Coverage Requirements for Children and Youth Enrolled in Medicaid and t...- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
Open Now: CMS EPCS Prescriber Portal for Checking Compliance...
Register Now!
New CMS EPCS Branded Image - LogoEPCS Blue Line
CMS El...- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
September 26, 2024 Memo Release: Compliance with Residents’ ...
CMS Header
*Compliance with Residents’ Rights Requirement related to Nursing Home Residents’ Right to Vote [ https://www.cms.gov/medicare/health-safety-standards/qu...- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid ServicesNewsroom
September 26, 2024
Contact: CMS Media Relations
CMS Media Inquiries ...- [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [エリア]Baltimore, MD