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NEW! CMS National Training Program Update

January 2025

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. National Training Program.

Medicare Enrollment Periods Between January 1–March 31

Medicare Enrollment Periods

There are 2 yearly Medicare Enrollment Periods from January 1–March 31, the General Enrollment Period and the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period.

*General Enrollment Period*

This enrollment period is for individuals who missed their Initial Enrollment Period or don’t qualify for a Special Enrollment Period and want to sign up for Medicare premium-Part A (Hospital Insurance) and/or Part B (Medical Insurance). Individuals using this enrollment period may have to pay a monthly late enrollment penalty.  

Also, if an individual has Part A coverage and gets Part B for the first time during this period, they can also join a Medicare Advantage Plan. Coverage starts the first day of the month after signing up. The individual must have both Part A and Part B to join a Medicare Advantage Plan. If the individual wants to join a Medicare drug plan when they sign up for Part B, they’ll have 2 months after signing up for Part B to join a drug plan. Coverage will start the month after the plan gets the request to join.

For more information on Medicare Enrollment Periods, visit Medicare.gov/basics/get-started-with-medicare/sign-up/when-does-medicare-coverage-start [ https://www.medicare.gov/basics/get-started-with-medicare/sign-up/when-does-medicare-coverage-start ].

*Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period*

This enrollment period is for individuals already enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan (with or without drug coverage) who want to switch to a different Medicare Advantage Plan (with or without drug coverage) or go back to Original Medicare (and join a separate Medicare drug plan). Only one change can be made during this period. Any change will be effective the first day of the month after the plan gets the request.

For more information on the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period, visit Medicare.gov/basics/get-started-with-medicare/get-more-coverage/joining-a-plan [ https://www.medicare.gov/basics/get-started-with-medicare/get-more-coverage/joining-a-plan ].


Updated NTP Training Materials

* Medicare Rights & Protections [ https://cmsnationaltrainingprogram.cms.gov/sites/default/files/shared/Medicare%20Rights%20%26%20Protections_508_FINAL.pptx ] (PowerPoint)

Visit CMSnationaltrainingprogram.cms.gov/resources [ https://cmsnationaltrainingprogram.cms.gov/resources ] to access our training materials.



New/Updated CMS Products

* Understanding Medicare Advantage Plans [ https://www.medicare.gov/publications/12026-understanding-medicare-advantage-plans.pdf ]
* Medicare Coverage of Durable Medical Equipment & Other Devices [ https://www.medicare.gov/publications/11045-medicare-coverage-of-dme-and-other-devices.pdf ]
* Medicare Coverage of Kidney Dialysis & Kidney Transplant Services [ https://www.medicare.gov/publications/10128-medicare-coverage-esrd.pdf ]
* Getting Started: Medicare for Children With End-Stage Renal Disease [ https://www.medicare.gov/publications/11392-getting-started-medicare-for-children-with-end-stage-renal-disease.pdf ]



NTP Updates & Education Webinars

Join us for our Updates & Education Webinars on the second Thursday of each month. Take notes and ask questions as we provide updates on what’s new in Medicare and present information on a range of topics.

Our next webinar will be on February 13, 2025, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET. A registration announcement will be emailed a week before the webinar.

Check CMSnationaltrainingprogram.cms.gov [ https://cmsnationaltrainingprogram.cms.gov/ ] regularly to enroll in upcoming live events.


Did You Know?

*January is:*

* Cervical Cancer Awareness Month [ https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/features/cervical-cancer.html ]: Help raise awareness about how people can lower their risk of cervical cancer and protect their loved ones. Check out the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention’s (CDC’s) cervical cancer resources [ https://www.cdc.gov/cervical-cancer ] to find information on Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination [ https://www.cdc.gov/hpv/vaccines/?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/hpv/parents/vaccine-for-hpv.html ] and screening tests [ https://www.cdc.gov/cervical-cancer/screening/?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/cervical/basic_info/screening.htm ].

Medicare Part B covers Pap tests and pelvic exams to check for cervical and vaginal cancers. Part B also covers HPV tests (as part of a Pap test) once every 5 years if you’re 30-65 and don't have HPV symptoms. Visit gov/coverage/cervical-vaginal-cancer-screenings [ https://www.medicare.gov/coverage/cervical-vaginal-cancer-screenings ] to learn more about what Medicare covers.

* National Glaucoma Awareness Month [ https://www.nei.nih.gov/learn-about-eye-health/outreach-resources/glaucoma-resources/glaucoma-awareness-month ]: About 3 million Americans have glaucoma making, it the second leading cause of vision loss and blindness in the U.S. Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve. Help CMS raise awareness this month and beyond. Visit the CDC’s Vision and Eye Health [ https://www.cdc.gov/vision-health/about-eye-disorders/glaucoma.html ] page to learn more about glaucoma.

Medicare Part B covers glaucoma screenings once every 12 months for individuals considered at high risk for developing the eye disease. Anyone can get glaucoma, but some are at a higher risk if they:

* Have diabetes.
* Have a family history of glaucoma.
* Are African American and 50 or older.
* Are Hispanic and 65 or older.

* National Poverty in America Awareness Month [ https://www.cms.gov/priorities/health-equity/minority-health/resource-center/resource-center/health-observances ]: In 2023, 36.8% of Americans were living in poverty, which often occurs in concentrated areas and continues for long periods of time. This may create barriers like reduced access to resources, like stable housing, healthy foods, access to health care, education, and employment opportunities.

Each year, CMS recognizes National Poverty in America Awareness Month to raise awareness about the health care challenges faced by people living in poverty. Review and share the resources throughout January and beyond.

Visit Medicare.gov/coverage/glaucoma-screenings [ https://www.medicare.gov/coverage/glaucoma-screenings ] for more information.


CMS National Training Program


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  • [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Baltimore, MD
  • 登録日 : 2025/01/17
  • 掲載日 : 2025/01/17
  • 変更日 : 2025/01/17
  • 総閲覧数 : 45 人
Web Access No.2472499