US Department of Labor announces $12.7M in grants awarded
- [登録者]United States Department of Labor
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Washington, DC
- 登録日 : 2024/09/19
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/19
- 変更日 : 2024/09/19
- 総閲覧数 : 85 人
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US Department of Labor announces $12.7M in grants awarded [ ] 09/19/2024 08:00 AM EDT
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today awarded $12.7 million to 102 nonprofits nationwide to fund education and training initiatives designed to create safer workplaces.Administered by the department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration, funds from the Susan Harwood Training Grants Program will support the delivery of training and education on hazard awareness, avoidance and controls, and inform workers of their rights and employers of their responsibilities under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. This round of funding was awarded to programs in the categories of targeted topic training, training and educational materials development, and capacity building.“The Susan Harwood Training Grants are a critical investment that the Department of Labor makes to help workers know their rights and power – in turn making their workplace safer and healthier,” said Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su. “This grant honors Dr. Harwood's remarkable legacy of safeguarding workers from workplace hazards throughout her years at the Department of Labor. I’m eager to witness the impact these organizations will achieve in her name.” The grants are named in honor of the late Dr. Susan Harwood who served as the director of OSHA’s Office of Risk Assessment. In 17 years with the department, she was instrumental in developing federal standards that today protect people from workplace hazards, including asbestos, benzene, bloodborne pathogens, cotton dust, formaldehyde and lead.“These grants are our most effective tool for connecting organizations with needed resources to train and educate hard-to-reach workers in high-hazard industries,” said Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health Douglas L. Parker. “Training is a key part of ensuring vulnerable workers understand what protections should be in place in their workplace and to know their rights.” OSHA awards grants to nonprofit organizations, including community and faith-based groups, employer associations, labor unions, joint labor-management associations, Native American tribes, and local and state-sponsored colleges and universities. Targeted training audiences include small-business employers, limited English proficiency workers, as well as workers identified as illiterate/low literacy, disadvantaged, underserved, low-income, minority and others hard to reach.The 2024 Susan Harwood Training Grant awards will provide training and education to at-risk and marginalized workers across the nation. They are listed by category as follows: Targeted Topic Training recipientsCityStateAwardSouth Arkansas CollegeEl DoradoAR$104,054Arizona State UniversityTempeAZ$160,000National Day Laborer Organizing NetworkPasadenaCA$160,000Community Services & Employment Training, Inc.VisaliaCA$160,000Construction Education Foundation of ColoradoDenverCO$159,860Colorado State UniversityFort CollinsCO$145,893Connecticosh Health Technical Committee, Inc.NewingtonCT$159,814Liuna Training & Education FundPomfret CenterCT$158,677American Road & Transportation Builders AssociationWashingtonDC$160,000Association of Farmworker Opportunity ProgramsWashingtonDC$160,000Farmworker Justice Fund IncWashingtonDC$160,000Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries IncWashingtonDC$160,000Florida International UniversityMiamiFL$160,000United Safety Council, Inc. dba Florida Safety CouncilOrlandoFL$94,409OSAP Foundation Inc. (Org. for Safety, Asepsis & Prevention Foundation)AtlantaGA$143,789Iowa State University of Science & TechnologyAmesIA$160,000University of IowaIowa CityIA$159,736Latino Worker Safety CenterJolietIL$160,000William Rainey Harper CollegePalatineIL$151,720LeadingAge Kansas FoundationTopekaKS$138,346Brazilian Worker Center, Inc.AllstonMA$160,000Casa, Inc.HyattsvilleMD$160,000Aquity4all CoPotomacMD$160,000University of Southern Univ. of Maine SystemPortlandME$160,000Wayne State UniversityDetroitMI$159,710Great Lakes Safety Training CenterMidlandMI$73,159Catholic Charities of Southeast MichiganSouthfieldMI$75,000Minnesota Municipal Utilities AssociationPlymouthMN$158,424Nebraska Appleseed Center for Law in the Public InterestLincolnNE$114,500Tree Care Industry Association, Inc.ManchesterNH$149,413Applied Labor Employment Studies InstituteMorristownNJ$160,000Education & Training Institute, Inc.New BrunswickNJ$160,000Rutgers The State University of New JerseyNewarkNJ$155,080Work Environment Council Of New Jersey, Inc.TrentonNJ$100,000Alliance For Manufacturing & Tech. of the Southern TierBinghamtonNY$160,000New York Committee for Occupational Safety & Health, IncNew YorkNY$160,000Restaurant Opportunities Center Roc United, Inc.New YorkNY$160,000World Cares Center, Inc.New YorkNY$160,000Mohawk Valley Community CollegeUticaNY$57,709University of CincinnatiCincinnatiOH$160,000Philadelphia Area Project on Occupational Safety & HealthPhiladelphiaPA$160,000University of Puerto Rico MayaguezMayaguezPR$154,094University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences CampusSan JuanPR$126,547South Dakota School of Mines & TechnologyRapid CitySD$60,000Compacion Foundation, Inc.Balch SpringsTX$159,752Del Mar College DistrictCorpus ChristiTX$50,000Organization of Hispanic ContractorsDallasTX$160,000El Paso County Community College DistrictEl PasoTX$160,000University of Houston System - Clear LakeHoustonTX$155,556South Texas CollegeMcAllenTX$159,928University of Texas at San AntonioSan AntonioTX$160,000Texas State University - San MarcoSan MarcosTX$160,000Associated General ContractorsArlingtonVA$160,000Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State UniversityBlacksburgVA$160,000Legal Aid Justice CenterCharlottesvilleVA$160,000Boat People S.O.S., Inc.Falls ChurchVA$160,000Timber Products ManufacturersSpokaneWA$145,000Marshall University Research CorporationHuntingtonWV$160,000West Virginia University Research CorporationMorgantownWV$149,933Training and Educational Materials Development recipientsCityStateAwardBPSOS Center for Community Advancement, Inc.WestminsterCA$75,000 University Enterprises, Inc. Sacramento UniversitySacramentoCA$75,000 Prolepsis Partners in Prevention Inc OrlandoFL$75,000 University of FloridaGainesvilleFL$75,000 Georgia Tech Research CorpAtlantaGA$74,494 Southern Illinois University, Board of TrusteesCarbondaleIL$75,000 Kansas State UniversityManhattanKS$74,949 University of Kentucky Research FoundationLexingtonKY$74,959 IUPAT Finishing Trades InstituteHanoverMD$75,000 University of Central MissouriWarrensburgMO$75,000 University of Missouri, The Curators ofColumbiaMO$75,000 Mississippi State UniversityStarkvilleMS$74,328 University of Southern MississippiHattiesburgMS$75,000 East Carolina UniversityGreenvilleNC$74,998 Kent State UniversityKentOH$72,983 Texas A&M Engineering Experiment StationCollege StationTX$75,000 Texas A&M Transportation InstituteCollege StationTX$75,000 University Of Texas at ArlingtonArlingtonTX$75,000 Capacity Building Developmental and Pilots recipientsCityStateAwardCentral Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of AlaskaJuneauAK$91,415Marin Builders AssociationSan RafaelCA$100,000Pomona Economic Opportunity Center, Inc.PomonaCA$100,000Valley Contractors Exchange, Inc.ChicoCA$100,000Connecticut Worker Center, Inc.BridgeportCT$99,000Georgetown UniversityWashingtonDC$99,904Georgia Tech Research CorpAtlantaGA$100,000Lucky Shoals Community Association, Inc.TuckerGA$81,280Chicago Jobs with Justice (JWJ)ChicagoIL$100,000Honeybee Strategies, Inc.MarreroLA$100,000All Things Women, Inc.LivoniaMI$91,997Lamar Institute of TechnologyBeaumontTX$99,739University of WashingtonSeattleWA$100,000Worker Justice WisconsinMadisonWI$87,450Capacity Building Follow-on recipientsCityStateAwardShasta Builders Exchange IncReddingCA$103,890 The Sustainable Workplace Alliance, Inc.Eagle LakeFL$135,270 Western Iowa Tech Community College FoundationSioux CityIA$145,800 National Council for Occupational Safety & HealthSomervilleMA$145,797 Melwood Horticultural Training Center, Inc.Upper MarlboroMD$112,996 Arriba Las Vegas Worker CenterLas VegasNV$121,500 State University of New York, The Research Foundation for theSyracuseNY$162,000 Western New York Council on Occ. Safety & Health IncBuffaloNY$161,910 Cincinnati Interfaith Workers CenterCincinnatiOH$89,000 Oklahoma State UniversityStillwaterOK$162,000 Millersville University of Pennsylvania MillersvillePA$149,099 body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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