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ODEP News Brief - Catch ODEP's Assistant Secretary on "Disability Matters with Joyce Bender"

Also: A webinar on apprenticeship for direct support professionals, and our own CAPE-Youth now on LinkedIn!

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*October 31, 2024*

ODEP’s Taryn Williams Stops by “Disability Matters with Joyce Bender”

Taryn Williams and Joyce Bender and text reading, “Disability Matters with Joyce Bender. Oct. 29, 2024.

In case you missed the live broadcast on October 29, you can still tune in to catch Assistant Secretary of Labor Taryn Williams’ chat with longtime radio host and disability employment advocate Joyce Bender on her talk show “Disability Matters.” Williams talked about her passion for her work leading the Office of Disability Employment Policy, her personal role models and heroes (including her mom) and her priorities for advancing disability employment through 2024 and beyond. It’s the perfect cap to National Disability Employment Awareness Month. [ ]

*Tune in to the radio show* [ ]


Become a NEON Core State: One Week Left to Apply!

Attention, states and state agencies! ODEP’s National Expansion of Employment Opportunities Network (NEON) initiative is soliciting applications from states and state government agencies to become a NEON Core State. States selected through the competitive application process will receive technical assistance from nationally recognized experts to increase competitive integrated employment (CIE) for people with disabilities within their statewide systems. There’s just one week left to apply: The deadline for submissions is November 7. [ ]

*Begin your application here* [ ]


How Apprenticeship Can Help Meet the Demand for Direct Support Professionals

Graphic of a rectangular speech bubble containing the word ‘WEBINAR’ superimposed on a closeup of two hands working on a laptop.

There’s an extreme shortage of direct support professionals (DSPs) and other critical direct care workers in the United States—but registered apprenticeship programs (RAPs) can help meet demand. Join us on November 13 at 2 p.m. ET for the webinar “Paving Pathways to Careers and Advancement: Leveraging Registered Apprenticeships to Meet the Demand for Direct Support Professionals,” hosted by the ODEP-funded LEAD Center in partnership with the Employment and Training Administration’s Office of Apprenticeship and the Administration for Community Living. Learn how states, workforce systems and education and community partners are already leveraging RAPs to meet DSP staffing demands, how to find resources to start a RAP, and strategies for improving job quality for DSPs. [ ]

*Register for the webinar* [ ]


“Future of Work” Podcast: Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Hiring

Logo of the Future of Work podcast, which includes a microphone icon next to a vertical stack of colorful parallelograms.

Employers who use artificial intelligence (AI) hiring tools or plan to, this podcast is for you. In the latest episode of the Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT) Future of Work podcast, Natasha Bansgopaul, a White House Presidential Innovation Fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, offers insight into PEAT’s new, voluntary AI & Inclusive Hiring Framework. She shares how the Framework was developed and how it can help employers evaluate AI-powered hiring technology using a disability-inclusive lens. [ ]

*Go to the podcast* [ ]


ODEP’s CAPE-Youth Is Now on LinkedIn!

Graphic showing three white speech bubbles, each containing a different word: “Like,” “Share” and “Follow,” on a sky blue background.

Connect with the Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth) now on LinkedIn! CAPE-Youth is an ODEP-funded technical assistance center that helps state leaders support disabled youth and young adults as they transition into the workforce. Follow CAPE-Youth on LinkedIn to learn and share ideas about intersectional program design, apprenticeship, financial empowerment, and other important issues related to the advancement of employment for young, disabled people. [ ]

*Follow CAPE-Youth on LinkedIn* [ ]

*U.S. Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy*


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  • [Registrant]United States Department of Labor
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]Washington, DC
  • Posted : 2024/10/31
  • Published : 2024/10/31
  • Changed : 2024/10/31
  • Total View : 53 persons
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