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Final reminder to apply for CMS minority research funding opportunity

CMS Office of Minority Health Working to Achieve Health Equity

Application deadline approaching: Apply now for health equity research funding opportunity 

The deadline for minority-serving institutions (MSIs) to apply for the Minority Research Grant Program [ https://www.cms.gov/about-cms/agency-information/omh/health-equity-programs/grants-and-awards/minority-research-grant-program ] (MRGP) funding opportunity is *June 3, 2024. *Administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH), this funding opportunity supports health equity researchers at MSIs who are investigating or addressing health care disparities affecting people from all minority populations, including racial and ethnic minority groups, members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) community; people with disabilities; individuals with limited English proficiency, people who live in rural areas; and people otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality.

CMS will award up to $1,275,000 to 5 eligible institutions.  

Eligible MSIs include: 

* Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
* Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs)
* Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs)
* Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions (AANAPISIs)
* Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institutions (NASNTIs),
* Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions (ANNHSIs)
* Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs)

*The deadline to submit applications is June 3, 2024. Review the notice of funding opportunity *CMS-1W1-24-001 [ https://centersformedicaremedicaidservicescms.cmail19.com/t/y-i-xkklkz-l-t/ ]*.*  

Visit go.cms.gov/minorityresearch [ https://www.cms.gov/about-cms/agency-information/omh/health-equity-programs/grants-and-awards/minority-research-grant-program ], watch the MRGP overview video [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=1DDa1GtEObw&feature=youtu.be ], or email OMHGrants@cms.hhs.gov for more information.

*CMS Office of Minority Health*  |  Working to Achieve Health Equity

"Paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services"


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body .abe-column-block {min-height: 5px;}
  • [登録者]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Baltimore, MD
  • 登録日 : 2024/05/20
  • 掲載日 : 2024/05/20
  • 変更日 : 2024/05/20
  • 総閲覧数 : 77 人
Web Access No.1852585