Open Payments Program Year 2025 Teaching Hospital List and Reporting Thresholds Posted
- [등록자]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Baltimore, MD
- 등록일 : 2024/10/01
- 게재일 : 2024/10/01
- 변경일 : 2024/10/01
- 총열람수 : 53 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
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* Program Year 2025 Teaching Hospital List [ #link_1401890357583 ]
* Program Year 2025 Reporting Thresholds [ #link_1401890465019 ]
* General Reminders [ #link_1401890561445 ]
* Need help or have questions? [ #link_1401890566808 ]
Program Year 2025 Teaching Hospital List
The Open Payments Program Year 2025 Teaching Hospital List (in PDF [ https://www.cms.gov/files/document/2025-reporting-cycle-teaching-hospital-listp.pdf ] and Excel [ https://www.cms.gov/files/document/2025-reporting-cycle-teaching-hospital-listx.xlsx ]) is now available on Open Payments Resources for Reporting Entities [ https://www.cms.gov/priorities/key-initiatives/open-payments/resources/reporting-entitities ]page. The teaching hospital list identifies which teaching hospitals are considered covered recipients and are reportable in Program Year 2025.
*This list should only be used for Program Year 2025, which is data collected from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025.*
Teaching hospital lists for previous program years are also available on the Open Payments Resources for Reporting Entities Page. [ https://www.cms.gov/priorities/key-initiatives/open-payments/resources/reporting-entitities ]
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Program Year 2025 Reporting Thresholds
The Open Payments Key (de minimis) Thresholds for reporting have been adjusted based on the Consumer Price Index.
Small payments or other transfers of value of less than *$13.46 *do not need to be reported, except when the total annual value of payments or other transfers of value to a covered recipient exceeds *$134.54 *for Program Year 2025.
*These amounts only apply to Program Year 2025, which is data collected from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. *
You can access the Key (de minimis) Thresholds for 2025 as well as prior program years’ thresholds on the Open Payments Data Collection [ https://www.cms.gov/OpenPayments/Program-Participants/Reporting-Entities/Data-Collection ] page.
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General Reminders
*Post-Deadline Submission *
If you have reportable payments or other transfers of value from calendar year 2023 or prior that have not yet been reported to CMS, those records must be submitted immediately upon confirmation of the error or omission (see 42 CFR §403.912(h)). This means that if your organization has not submitted all of its required records, your reporting entity should do so as soon as it is able.
CMS recommends using the assumptions document to communicate your organization’s methodologies or any circumstances for unusual reporting, such as records that are attested after the submission window. Assumptions are documented in a free-form text field during the attestation process and are not made available to the public.
*Record Resubmission *
When making changes to records some may need to be deleted and re-uploaded, while other changes only require resubmission.
If fields that identify the record’s covered recipient or principal investigator(s) need to be changed in a record that is in a “ready for attestation” or “attested” status, the original record must be deleted and then re-submitted as a new record.
Deleting records and submitting new records will remove the original records from publication and will make the newly submitted records eligible for review and dispute again. The attester is encouraged to use or amend the assumptions statement to note when records have been deleted and re-submitted, including if or when those records were re-submitted after the submission deadline. Records that are deleted need to have a reason for deletion included, and records that are deleted and resubmitted need to be linked to the deleted record.
*Open Payments System Upgrade*
In July 2024 the Open Payments System (OPS) was upgraded. Here are a few things to know:
* *New System URL: *The Open Payments System no longer reside at CMS Enterprise Portal.
It is now accessible via a new URL: https://openpayments.system.cms.gov/
* *Current System User Log-In: *If you have already registered in Open Payments, you do not need to register again; your existing log-in credentials will work under the new URL.
* *New System Users:* If you are not currently registered in the Open Payments System but would like to have an account, you may register by selecting “New User Registration” on the Open Payments System Log-in page.
The Open Payments team encourages the system users to log in and check out the new and improved OPS ahead of the Calendar Year 2025 data submission. More details about this enhancement are available in the Open Payments System Enhancements Document [ https://www.cms.gov/files/document/open-payments-system-enhancements.pdf ].
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Need help or have questions?
For more information about Open Payments, please visit the Open Payments [ https://www.cms.gov/OpenPayments ] website.
If you have any questions, you can email the Open Payments Help Desk at openpayments@cms.hhs.gov. Live Help Desk support is available by phone at 1-855-326-8366, (TTY Line: 1-844-649-2766) Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (ET), excluding Federal holidays.
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