Watch our latest video: My TVTP Story
- [登録者]U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Washington DC, DC
- 登録日 : 2024/11/14
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/14
- 変更日 : 2024/11/14
- 総閲覧数 : 33 人
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header [ https://www.dhs.gov/CP3 ]
“There's no one answer to prevention, but stories can make a difference”
Matt Talbot, Raymond Whitfield, Dawn and Rick Collins, Dave Fortier, Tiffany Sewell, Rachel Kowert, and Maggie Feinstein may come from different backgrounds, but they are united by a powerful mission: to prevent violence in their communities and advocate for change nationwide. In our latest video, “My TVTP Story,” they share their compelling stories, highlighting the profound impact of collective action in the fight against targeted violence.
Real Stories and Real Impact
My TVTP Story [ https://www.dhs.gov/medialibrary/assets/video/56472 ]
At the core of CP3's mission are those on the frontlines of their communities. We collaborate with experts across all levels of government, the private sector, and local organizations to ensure that communities are equipped with tools, knowledge, and resources to prevent targeted violence and terrorism.
Conversations alone only scratch the surface — it’s the grassroots efforts of those in the field that create real, immediate, and lasting change. Their stories of resilience generate a ripple effect, inspiring action in their communities and beyond.
Learn More
To learn more and help make an impact in your community, please visit CP3’s Prevention Resource Finder [ https://www.dhs.gov/prevention ].
To learn more about our initiatives, participate in our programs, connect with us, or for general inquiries, please contact CP3@DHS.gov.
*Watch Video* [ https://www.dhs.gov/medialibrary/assets/video/56472 ]
"CP3 prioritizes privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties within DHS legal authorities and policy. CP3 works to ensure that its programs include fundamental constitutional and legal protections. CP3 does not engage in widespread data collection or activities like law enforcement investigations or intelligence gathering. CP3 does not engage in censorship or encourage or facilitate any censorship. Government censorship of viewpoints not only infringes on individuals’ constitutional rights, but it is also an ineffective tactic to prevent targeted violence and terrorism. "
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