CMS Roundup (July. 26, 2024)
- [등록자]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Baltimore, MD
- 등록일 : 2024/07/26
- 게재일 : 2024/07/26
- 변경일 : 2024/07/26
- 총열람수 : 45 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
- 워싱턴 DC ・ 버지니아 주 ・ 메릴랜드 주 ・ 코네티컷 주의 주치의 클...
일본을 떠나 미국에서 생활하는 분들에게 가장 걱정스럽고 중요한 것은 자신과 가족의 건강입니다. 뉴저지에 위치한 저희 클리닉에서는 내과, 소아과, 외과, 산부인과, 피부과, 안과, 이비인후과 등 모든 진료과를 진료하고 있습니다. 이번에 히바리 패밀리 메디컬은 뉴저지 주 외에도 워싱턴 DC, 버지니아, 메릴랜드, 코네티컷 주에서 원격 진료를 시작하게 되었습니다...
+1 (201) 581-8553ひばりファミリーメディカル
- 미국 전역에서 일본어를 구사하는 의료진과 환자를 연결하고, 일본인 커뮤니...
후라토는 뉴욕을 거점으로 미국 전역에서 활동하는 비영리 단체로, 일본어를 구사하는 의료진과 환자를 연결하고 일본인 커뮤니티를 지원하고 있습니다. 미국에서 의료와 보험의 복잡성에 직면한 일본인과 그 간병인, 고령화에 따라 고립되는 시니어가 늘어나는 가운데, 우리는 필요한 정보와 지원을 제공하고 있습니다. 온라인 활동... +1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- 정신과 ・ 정신과 전문의 타카시 마츠키의 DC 사무소에 오신 것을 환영합...
전근, 유학, 국제결혼 등 다양한 이유로 매년 수많은 일본인이 미국에 오지만, 그 중 많은 사람들이 낯선 이국 생활, 새로운 직장이나 학교에서의 부적응, 문화와 언어의 장벽, 일본 가족이나 친구와의 이별 등 다양한 스트레스에 노출되어 있다. 강한 스트레스는 다양한 정신질환을 유발할 수 있습니다. 이런 증상이 있나요 ? 기분 저하, 피로감, 피로감, 기...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- 주의 사항 : 워싱턴 DC 지역에는 학교가 없습니다. SAPIX USA는...
그 「SAPIX」의 수업이 미국에 있어도 수강할 수 있습니다 ! 게다가 ! 일본의 SAPIX와는 또 다른 「SAPIX USA」의 수업이 그레이터 워싱턴 DC에서도 수강할 수 있습니다 ! 일본으로 진학! ・ 수험이라면 사픽스에 맡겨주세요. 뉴욕, 뉴저지, 맨해튼, 산호세 학교의 수업을 온라인으로 수강할 수 있습니다
! 주의 사항 : ... +1 (914) 358-5337SAPIX USA
Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provides an at-a-glance summary of news from around the agency.
*CMS Offers Guidance to Aid States in Developing Searchable Health Provider Directories*
July 16: CMS released a state health official letter [ https://www.medicaid.gov/federal-policy-guidance/downloads/sho24003.pdf ], including state guidance for developing searchable health provider directories. New requirements (Section 5123 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023) call for accurate, updated, and searchable provider directories in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), making it easier for eligible individuals to find health care professionals. The letter also addresses the availability of enhanced federal financial participation for states to develop, update, and maintain directories.
*CMS Approval Extends New Hampshire Program Providing Substance Use Disorder Treatment to Institutionalized Individuals to Include Eligible Pre-Release Incarcerated Individuals *
July 16: CMS approved a five-year extension of New Hampshire’s section 1115 demonstration, “Substance Use Disorder, Serious Mental Illness, and Serious Emotional Disturbance, Treatment Recovery and Access [ https://lnks.gd/l/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxMDIsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm1lZGljYWlkLmdvdi9tZWRpY2FpZC9zZWN0aW9uLTExMTUtZGVtb25zdHJhdGlvbnMvZG93bmxvYWRzL25oLXN1ZC10cmVhdG1lbnQtcmVjb3ZlcnktYWNjZXNzLWV4dC1hcHB2bC0wNjE2MjAyNC5wZGYiLCJidWxsZXRpbl9pZCI6IjIwMjQwNzE2Ljk3Njg2ODUxIn0.5FP5K1h6e08oGZnII4FcVGtOWzE9Fk8z3eto_lCs8HQ/s/258887569/br/245834028728-l ].” Through this demonstration, New Hampshire received renewed authority to (1) provide medical assistance to individuals with substance use disorder, serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance and (2) to provide dentures to eligible individuals aged 21 and older residing in nursing facilities based on medical necessity. In addition, the state received new authority to provide certain pre-release services to eligible incarcerated individuals for up to 45 days immediately prior to the individual’s expected date of release. The demonstration is effective from July 16, 2024, through June 30, 2029.
*CMS shares information on the intersection of EMTALA and Behavioral Health*
July 22: CMS participated in the American College of Emergency Physicians “Frontline” Podcast [ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-4-1-1-from-cms-on-emtala-for-bh-emergencies-with/id1063793120?i=1000662976009 ] to discuss the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) and behavioral health. The podcast describes how behavioral health conditions and physical health conditions are considered similarly from the standpoint of EMTALA.
*CMS Offers Guidance to States On Medicaid & CHIP Coverage for Eligible Incarcerated Youth *
July 23: CMS released a state health official letter on providing certain Medicaid and CHIP services to eligible incarcerated youth under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023. Previously, an “inmate exclusion” provision has generally restricted people eligible for Medicaid and CHIP from receiving benefits while incarcerated. Details can be found here [ https://www.medicaid.gov/federal-policy-guidance/downloads/sho24004.pdf ].
*CMS Posts Fact Sheet Highlighting Its Efforts to Promote and Support Oral Health*
July 23: CMS posted a fact sheet [ https://www.cms.gov/files/document/oral-health-cci-fact-sheet.pdf ] highlighting the accomplishments of its Oral Health Cross-Cutting Initiative. The fact sheet includes an overview of the agency’s work to improve access to oral health services across CMS programs, including strengthened coverage and new data and analyses.
*Other Recent Releases: *
July 16: Biden-Harris Administration Releases Final Part Two Guidance to Help People with Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Manage Prescription Drug Costs [ https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-releases-final-part-two-guidance-help-people-medicare-prescription-drug ]
CMS, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, serves the public as a trusted partner and steward, dedicated to advancing health equity, expanding coverage, and improving health outcomes. The agency protects public health by administering the Medicare program and working in partnership with state governments to administer Medicaid, CHIP, and the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Get CMS news at cms.gov/newsroom [ https://www.cms.gov/newsroom ], sign up for CMS news via email [ https://www.cms.gov/About-CMS/Agency-Information/Aboutwebsite/EmailUpdates ], and follow CMS on Twitter @CMSgov [ https://twitter.com/cmsgov ]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
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