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MDM Release Notification
- [Registrante]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [Idioma]日本語
- [Área]Baltimore, MD
- Fecha registrada : 2024/07/25
- Fecha de Publicación : 2024/07/25
- Fecha de cambio : 2024/07/25
- Vista de Página. :
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+1 (201) 581-8553ひばりファミリーメディカル
This message is for users of the Master Data Management (MDM) Provider data in the IDRC, One PI, CCW, CDR, and Downstream Systems:____
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Master Data Management (MDM) Code Release Notification:____
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The MDM Team is applying a patch to resolve an issue in the following Shared Provider Profile (SPP) table in production: MDD_SPP_PRVDR_ENRLMT_STUS_RSN_DTL. The table is currently missing a few instances of the enrollment status reason codes. With this fix, all instances of the enrollment status reason codes will be populated.____
On Friday, July 26th, the MDD_SPP_PRVDR_ENRLMT_STUS_RSN_DTL table will be truncate and reloaded per the daily schedule. A follow-up Govdelivery notification will be sent to inform MDM users that the data has been validated.
Please contact the MDM Team at and should this cause you any issues.
Thank you,
The MDM Team
INFORMATION IS NOT RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLIC UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY LAW: This information has not been publicly disclosed and may be privileged and confidential. It is for internal government use only and must not be disseminated, distributed, or copied to persons not authorized to receive the information. Unauthorized disclosure may result in prosecution to the full extent of the law.
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