Department of Labor completed impact inspections at 8 mines in 7 states with histories of repeated health, safety violations in September 2024
- [등록자]United States Department of Labor
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Washington, DC
- 등록일 : 2024/10/31
- 게재일 : 2024/10/31
- 변경일 : 2024/10/31
- 총열람수 : 59 명
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Department of Labor completed impact inspections at 8 mines in 7 states with histories of repeated health, safety violations in September 2024 [ http://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/msha/msha20241031 ] 10/31/2024 08:00 AM EDT
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor announced today that its Mine Safety and Health Administration completed impact inspections in September 2024 at eight mines in Indiana, Kentucky, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin and issued 112 violations. The agency conducts impact inspections at mines that merit increased agency attention and enforcement due to poor compliance history; previous accidents, injuries and illnesses; and other compliance concerns. Of the 112 violations MSHA identified in September 2024, 24 were evaluated by inspectors as significant and substantial. The agency began conducting impact inspections after an April 2010 explosion in West Virginia at the Upper Big Branch Mine killed 29 miners. Since 2023, MSHA’s impact inspections have identified 4,679 violations, including 1,285 significant and substantial and 87 unwarrantable failure findings. An S&S violation is one that is reasonably likely to cause a reasonably serious injury or illness. Violations designated as unwarrantable failures occur when an inspector finds aggravated conduct that constitutes more than ordinary negligence. “September 2024 impact inspections identified hazards such as lack of personal protective equipment and inadequate machine guarding. These important protections keep miners safe and prevent serious accidents,” said Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Chris Williamson. “The Biden-Harris administration continues to demonstrate that impact inspections remain an important tool to hold operators accountable and eliminate hazards that put miners’ safety and health at risk.” North Indianapolis Quarry & Mill, a crushed and broken limestone mine in Hamilton County, Indiana, operated by Martin Marietta Materials Inc., was one of the eight mines selected for an impact inspection given previous safety concerns and its history of violations. On Sept. 12, 2024, MSHA personnel identified 42 violations of mandatory safety and health standards, 14 of which were designated S&S, and one 107(a) imminent danger order at the mine. Inspectors issue imminent danger orders to remove miners immediately when hazards present the imminent likelihood of a serious accident. Specifically, inspectors found the following conditions: MSHA issued an imminent danger order after finding a miner standing on an elevated deck without fall protection, a condition that exposed the miner to the danger of a fall of about 23 feet to the ground below. Falls from heights are the cause of many serious and fatal mining accidents.Serious housekeeping issues found throughout the mine. Accumulations of materials in work areas contributed to unsafe conditions that could lead to slips, trips and falls - the most common issue found during the inspection - that accounted for 13 violations. Violations for not ensuring safe access to work areas, including one S&S finding. The mine operator failed to maintain safe travel ways, exposing miners to slip and trip hazards in several locations. Inadequate maintenance of access routes increases the potential for accidents during routine operations. Three citations for improper examinations of working places. Inadequate examinations prevented hazardous conditions from being identified, corrected and recorded, which exposed miners to hazards. MSHA’s examination standard requires the mine operator to notify miners promptly of any violation not promptly corrected. Adequate examinations are essential for preventing accidents and ensuring safe working environments.Three citations for inadequate guarding, including two evaluated as S&S. Inspectors observed guards failing to protect miners from contact with the tail pulley of one belt conveyor and a head pulley of another belt conveyor. MSHA issued one non-S&S violation for an opening in the guard of a tail pulley on a third belt conveyor. These violations exposed miners to entanglement with moving machine parts. These findings indicate a range of systemic safety failures that exposed miners to unnecessary safety hazards. The high rate of S&S violations, combined with repeated failures to comply with safety standards, underscores the need for the mine operator to improve its safety culture and compliance with MSHA standards. View September 2024 MSHA monthly impact inspections results and previous impact inspections. Learn more about MSHA. body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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