Stay Safe After the Storms/Manténgase seguro después de las tormentas
- [등록자]United States Department of Labor
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Washington (Northwest Washington), District of Columbia, アメリカ合衆国
- 등록일 : 2024/10/17
- 게재일 : 2024/10/17
- 변경일 : 2024/10/17
- 총열람수 : 60 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
- 미국 전역에서 일본어를 구사하는 의료진과 환자를 연결하고, 일본인 커뮤니...
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- 신입생 모집 중 ! ・ 주의 사항 : 워싱턴 DC 지역에는 학교가 없습니...
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October 17, 2024 • OSHA's twice-monthly bilingual newsletter about workplace safety and health.
OSHA QuickTakes - OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
*Hurricane Recovery*
We urge *response and recovery workers aiding in the aftermath of Hurricanes Helene and Milton* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/osha-news-brief/20241010 ] to keep alert and *stay safe from hazards* [ https://www.osha.gov/hurricane/osha-resources ] related to *flooding* [ https://www.osha.gov/flood/response ], power lines, structural damage, fallen trees and storm debris.
*Recuperación tras los huracanes*
Instamos a los trabajadores de *respuesta y recuperación que ayudan tras el paso de los huracanes Helene y Milton* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/osha-news-brief/20241010#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] a que *se mantengan alerta y a salvo de los peligros* [ https://www.osha.gov/hurricane/osha-resources#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] relacionados con las *inundaciones* [ https://www.osha.gov/flood/response#googtrans(en%7Ces) ], las líneas eléctricas, los daños estructurales, los árboles caídos y los escombros de las tormentas.
*Regional Office Restructuring*
We *completed restructuring of our regional offices* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/osha-trade-release/20241001 ], including the addition of our new Birmingham Region to promote equitable quality service with a commitment to giving workers a greater voice.
*Reestructuración de las oficinas regionales*
Hemos *completado la reestructuración de nuestras oficinas regionales* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/osha-trade-release/20241001#googtrans(en%7Ces) ], incluida la incorporación de nuestra nueva Región de Birmingham para promover un servicio equitativo de calidad con el compromiso de dar más voz a los trabajadores.
OSHA Regional Offices [ https://www.osha.gov/contactus/bystate ]
Their Side of the Story: A Whistleblower / Su versión delos hechos: Un denunciante
A commercial truck driver complained that inclement winter weather made road conditions too hazardous to drive. Their employer terminated them. *The employer violated the whistleblower provisions* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/region4/06282019 ] of the *Surface Transportation Assistance Act* [ https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA-factsheet-whistleblower-trans-sector.pdf ]. Follow *50 years of whistleblower protections* [ https://www.whistleblowers.gov/wb50 ].
Un conductor de camión comercial se quejó de que las inclemencias del tiempo invernal hacían que las condiciones de la carretera fueran demasiado peligrosas para conducir. Su empleador le despidió. *El empleador infringió las disposiciones sobre denunciantes* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/region4/06282019#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] de la *Ley de Asistencia al Transporte Terrestre* [ https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA3956.pdf ]. Siguen *50 años de protección de los denunciantes* [ https://www.whistleblowers.gov/wb50#googtrans(en%7Ces) ].
Continúe en español [ #qt-spanish ]
*Opportunities for Action*
* The *Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health* [ https://www.osha.gov/advisorycommittee/accsh ] will *hold meetings in-person and online* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/osha-trade-release/20241009 ] October 29-30. *Register to attend or submit comments* [ https://www.regulations.gov/document/OSHA-2024-0002-0018 ] by October 24.
* OSHA and the Federal Railroad Administration will hold a *virtual meeting October 29* [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/railroad-stakeholder-meeting-tickets-1037946655387 ] to raise awareness about railroad whistleblower and safety issues. *Comments must be submitted by November 12* [ https://www.regulations.gov/document/OSHA-2024-0007-0001 ].
Construction worker
Grain handling [ https://www.osha.gov/grain-handling ]
*Grain Safety Initiative*
We *expanded our grain handling safety emphasis program* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/kansas-city/20241002 ] to address the continuation of worker deaths and injuries in Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska.
*Trench Safety Event*
*Workers involved in underground construction or excavation can register to attend a free October 22 Trench Safety Summit [ https://www.naxsa.org/events/eventdetails.aspx?id=1879361 ] in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.*
NAXSA - North American Excavation Shoring Association - Trench Safety Summit [ https://www.naxsa.org/events/eventdetails.aspx?id=1879361 ]
I Am OSHA - Kristina [ https://www.osha.gov/I-am-OSHA#kristina ]
*Making a Difference*
*Meet Kristina* [ https://www.osha.gov/I-am-OSHA#kristina ], a regional supervisory investigator who appreciates helping populations that are unaware of their rights or afraid to act on them. Visit *I Am OSHA* [ https://www.osha.gov/I-am-OSHA ] and meet more members of our team.
*Stay Informed*
Follow OSHA on *X* [ https://twitter.com/OSHA_DOL ] and *LinkedIn* [ https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/us-department-of-labor-osha/ ] to stay up-to-date with the agency's activities and resources, and look for our posts on the U.S. Department of Labor's *Instagram* [ https://www.instagram.com/USDOL/ ] account.
OSHA Tweet [ https://x.com/OSHA_DOL/status/1844448334670385194 ]
Settlement Agreement
*Settlement Agreement*
A chemical products manufacturer *agreed to pay $1.3 million in penalties* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/chicago/20241002 ] after safety failures contibuted to a 2019 plant explosion and fire that killed four workers.
*Potentially Deadly Dust*
A grain cooperative *exposed workers to risks of fire and explosions* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/kansas-city/20241003 ] by allowing a buildup of *combustible dust* [ https://www.osha.gov/combustible-dust ] and failing to maintain effective dust collection systems.
Nebraska state silhouette: Potentially Deadly Dust
Texas state silhouette: Preventable Amputation Injury
*Preventable Amputation Injury*
A plant operator *failed to install required locking devices* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/dallas/20240926 ], leading to a worker suffering a partial arm amputation after contacting moving machine parts during maintenence.
*Railroad Employee's Rights Protected*
A railroad was *ordered to reinstate and pay $200K* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/denver/20241002 ] to a claims representative who was retaliated against after making safety complaints.
Railroad Workers Have Rights! [ https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA3854.pdf ]
*Read about more OSHA* *enforcement cases* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/enforcement/ ].
Enova workers [ https://www.osha.gov/successstories/enova ]
*Reducing Worker Injuries*
A *Michigan parts manufacturer* [ https://www.osha.gov/successstories/enova ] reduced workplace injuries by focusing on worksite risk analysis, training and collaboration at all levels of the organization.
*Alliances Promote Safety*
* *Consulate of Mexico in Boise, Idaho* [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances/regional/san-francisco/agreement_20240828 ]
Alliances promote safety [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances ]
Man taking COVID test [ https://covidtests.gov/ ]
*COVID-19 Testing*
Order up to four free at-home COVID-19 tests *here* [ https://covidtests.gov/ ].
*Resources to Use*
* *Flood Cleanup Fact Sheet* [ https://www.osha.gov/publications/publication-products?publication_title=Flood+Cleanup+Fact+Sheet ] (English and Spanish)
* *Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning While Working with Portable Generators* [ https://www.osha.gov/publications/publication-products?publication_title=Preventing+Carbon+Monoxide+Poisoning+While+Working+with+Portable+Generators ] (English and Spanish)
* *Wet Grain Engulfment OSHA Alert* [ https://www.osha.gov/publications/publication-products?publication_title=Protect+Workers+from+Wet+Grain+Engulfment+Hazards ] (English and Spanish)
Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning While Working with Portable Generators [ https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA4105.pdf ]
"QuickTakes subscribers occasionally receive *DYK? bulletins* [ https://www.osha.gov/quicktakes/10092024 ] about a single timely topic, resource or upcoming event."
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Occupational Safety and Health Administration
200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20210
*www.osha.gov* [ https://www.osha.gov/ ] | 202-693-1999
You can *unsubscribe* [ https://www.osha.gov/quicktakes#unsubscribe ] from this list. (We will miss you!)
*Oportunidades para la acción*
* El *Comité Consultivo sobre Seguridad y Salud en la Construcción* [ https://www.osha.gov/advisorycommittee/accsh#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] celebrará *reuniones presenciales y en línea* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/osha-trade-release/20241009#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] los días 29 y 30 de octubre. *Regístrese para asistir o envíe sus comentarios* [ https://www.regulations.gov/document/OSHA-2024-0002-0018 ] antes del 24 de octubre.
* OSHA y la Administración Federal de Ferrocarriles celebrarán una *reunión virtual el 29 de octubre* [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/entradas-reunion-de-las-partes-interesadas-del-sector-ferroviario-1038271958377 ] para concienciar sobre los denunciantes ferroviarios y las cuestiones de seguridad. Los *comentarios deben enviarse antes del 12 de noviembre* [ https://www.regulations.gov/document/OSHA-2024-0007-0001 ].
Construction worker
Grain handling [ https://www.osha.gov/grain-handling#googtrans(en%7Ces) ]
*Iniciativa para la seguridad de los granos*
*Ampliamos nuestro programa de énfasis en la seguridad en la manipulación de granos* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/kansas-city/20241002#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] para hacer frente a la continuación de las muertes y lesiones de trabajadores en Kansas, Misuri y Nebraska.
*Evento sobre seguridad en las zanjas*
Los trabajadores implicados en la construcción o excavación subterránea pueden *inscribirse para asistir a la Cumbre gratuita sobre seguridad en zanjas que se celebrará el 22 de octubre* [ https://www.naxsa.org/events/eventdetails.aspx?id=1879361 ] en Phoenixville, Pensilvania.
NAXSA - North American Excavation Shoring Association - Trench Safety Summit [ https://www.naxsa.org/events/eventdetails.aspx?id=1879361 ]
I Am OSHA - Kristina [ https://www.osha.gov/I-am-OSHA#kristina ]
*Marcando la diferencia*
*Conozca a Kristina* [ https://www.osha.gov/I-am-OSHA#kristina ], una investigadora supervisora regional que aprecia poder ayudar a las poblaciones que no son conscientes de sus derechos o tienen miedo de actuar en consecuencia. Visite *Yo Soy OSHA* [ https://www.osha.gov/I-am-OSHA#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] para conocer a más miembros de nuestro equipo
*Manténgase informado*
Siga a OSHA en *X* [ https://twitter.com/OSHA_DOL ] y *LinkedIn* [ https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/us-department-of-labor-osha/ ] para estar al día de las actividades y recursos de la agencia, y busque nuestras publicaciones en la cuenta de *Instagram* [ https://www.instagram.com/USDOL/ ] del Departamento del Trabajo de los Estados Unidos.
OSHA Tweet [ https://x.com/DOL_esp/status/1844195484929315130 ]
*Acuerdo de conciliación*
Un fabricante de productos químicos *acordó pagar $1.3 millones en multas* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/chicago/20241002#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] tras los fallos de seguridad que contribuyeron a la explosión e incendio de una planta en 2019 en la que murieron cuatro trabajadores.
*Polvo potencialmente mortal*
Una cooperativa de grano *expuso a los trabajadores a riesgos de incendio y explosión* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/kansas-city/20241003#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] al permitir la acumulación de *polvo combustible* [ https://www.osha.gov/combustible-dust#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] y no mantener sistemas eficaces de recogida de polvo.
Estado de Nebraska: Polvo potencialmente mortal
Estado de Texas: Lesión por amputación evitable
*Lesión por amputación evitable*
Un operario de una planta *no instaló los dispositivos de bloqueo necesarios* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/dallas/20240926#googtrans(en%7Ces) ], lo que provocó que un trabajador sufriera la amputación parcial de un brazo tras entrar en contacto con piezas en movimiento de una máquina durante el mantenimiento.
*Protección de los derechos de los empleados ferroviarios*
Un ferrocarril fue *condenado a readmitir y pagar $200,000* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/denver/20241002#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] a un representante de reclamaciones que fue objeto de represalias tras presentar quejas sobre seguridad.
¡LOS TRABAJADORES FERROVIARIOS TIENEN DERECHOS! [ https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA3854SP.pdf ]
*Lea más *casos de aplicación de la ley* [ https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/enforcement#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] de OSHA.*
Workers at Enova [ https://www.osha.gov/successstories/enova#googtrans(en%7Ces) ]
*Reducir las lesiones laborales*
Un fabricante de piezas de Michigan [ https://www.osha.gov/successstories/enova#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] redujo las lesiones laborales centrándose en el análisis de riesgos en el lugar de trabajo, la capacitación y la colaboración a todos los niveles de la organización.
*Las alianzas fomentan la seguridad*
* Consulado de México en Boise, Idaho [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances/regional/san-francisco/agreement-spanish_20240828 ]
La Alianza promueve la seguridad [ https://www.osha.gov/alliances#googtrans(en%7Ces) ]
Individual taking COVID test [ https://covidtests.gov/index-es.html ]
*Pruebas COVID-19*
Solicite hasta cuatro pruebas COVID-19 gratuitas en su domicilio aquí [ https://covidtests.gov/index-es.html ].
*Recursos útiles*
* Hoja informativa sobre limpieza tras inundaciones [ https://www.osha.gov/publications/publication-products?publication_title=Flood+Cleanup+Fact+Sheet#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] (inglés y español)
* Prevención de la intoxicación por monóxido de carbono al trabajar con generadores portátiles [ https://www.osha.gov/publications/publication-products?publication_title=Preventing+Carbon+Monoxide+Poisoning+While+Working+with+Portable+Generators#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] (inglés y español)
* Alerta OSHA por engullimiento de grano húmedo [ https://www.osha.gov/publications/publication-products?publication_title=Protect+Workers+from+Wet+Grain+Engulfment+Hazards#googtrans(en%7Ces) ] (inglés y español)
Prevención de la Intoxicación por Monóxido de Carbono al Usar Generadores Portátiles [ https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA4106.pdf ]
"Los suscriptores de QuickTakes reciben ocasionalmente *boletines DYK? (¿Sabias?)* [ https://www.osha.gov/quicktakes/10092024 ] sobre un único tema de actualidad, un recurso o un evento próximo."
*Comparta QuickTakes en sus redes sociales.*
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Administración de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional
200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20210
*www.osha.gov* [ https://www.osha.gov/ ] | 202-693-1999
Puedes *darte de baja* [ https://www.osha.gov/quicktakes#unsubscribe ] de esta lista. (¡Te extrañaremos!)
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