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이메일 주소 :   


  • 회원 : DC
  • [언어]日本語
  • 등록일 : 2023/12/06
  • 게재일 : 2023/12/06
  • 변경일 :2023/12/06
  • 총열람수 : 78 명
2024년 4월 28일 / Washington DC / 콘서트 / 라이브

Washington Women in Jazz at Strathmore

Amy K. Bormet is a pianist, vocalist, and composer renowned for her fearless and free-wheeling style as well as her dedication to creating new music. Seamlessly fusing elements of jazz and the avant-garde, her performances and compositions reflect her deep musical knowledge and bold experimentation. In 2011, Bormet created the Washington Women in Jazz Festival, an initiative aimed at fostering creative community spaces by and for women and non-binary artists of DC’s celebrated improvisational music communities.

Amy K. Bormet is a pianist, vocalist, and composer renowned for her fearless and free-wheeling style as well as her dedication to creating new music. Seamlessly fusing elements of jazz and the avant-garde, her performances and compositions reflect her deep musical knowledge and bold experimentation. In 2011, Bormet created the Washington Women in Jazz Festival, an initiative aimed at fostering creative community spaces by and for women and non-binary artists of DC’s celebrated improvisational music communities.

주소 Washington DC
일정 2024년 4월 28일
구체적인 시간
구체적인 행사장

비비나비 - 행사정보

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