ODEP News Brief - Proposed Rule to End Subminimum Wage for Disabled Workers
- [注册人]United States Department of Labor
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Washington, DC
- 注册日期 : 2024/12/05
- 发布日 : 2024/12/05
- 更改日期 : 2024/12/05
- 总浏览次数 : 28 人
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[ ]
*December 5, 2024*
Proposed Rule to End Subminimum Wage for Workers with Disabilities
Six warehouse workers of different genders and racial backgrounds, one of whom has a disability, pose for a photo in safety vests and hard hats.
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has proposed a rule that would end subminimum-wage pay for people with disabilities. The rule proposes to gradually eliminate use of certificates under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act that allow employers to pay disabled workers less than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour in certain circumstances. “This proposal demonstrates the Biden-Harris administration’s dedication to good jobs for workers with disabilities,” said Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su. “With this proposal, the department expects that many workers currently paid subminimum wages under Section 14(c) will move into jobs that pay full wages, which will improve their economic well-being and strengthen inclusion for people with disabilities in the workforce.” [ ]
*Learn more on the DOL blog * [ ]
*Read the DOL news release* [ ]
DOL Selects 13 States and the District of Columbia to Join Employment Expansion Initiative
Colorful map of all 50 states of the Unites States of America.
Congratulations to the 13 states and the District of Columbia recently named as “core states” in our National Expansion of Employment Opportunities Network (NEON) initiative to increase competitive integrated employment (CIE) for people with disabilities. Selected by the U.S. Department of Labor, core states will receive federal support in capacity building, policy development and mentoring. The recently announced states are Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon and Tennessee, in addition to the District of Columbia. [ ]
*Read the DOL news release* [ ]
*Learn more about NEON* [ ]
Coming Soon: The 2025 WRP Database!
Blue and green Workforce Recruitment Program logo.
Hiring managers in the federal government can access the new 2025 Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) talent database beginning Monday, December 16. The new database holds the WRP’s largest-ever candidate pool—more than 4,000 graduate and undergraduate students and recent graduates with disabilities, from more than 500 colleges and universities nationwide. Federal employers can search the WRP database for skilled candidates who are ready to fill internships or permanent jobs and are eligible to be hired quickly through the Schedule A hiring authority. Learn more by registering for the WRP’s virtual training webinar on Tuesday, December 17, at 1 p.m. ET. [×tamp=1733357819654&RGID=r762e99befce9586b18af0c5d6ee6cf5e ]
*Register for the WRP federal employer training* [×tamp=1733357819654&RGID=r762e99befce9586b18af0c5d6ee6cf5e ]
ODEP’s AI Initiative Wins a Zero Project Award!
Green and white graphic with text reading, “Award 2025. Zero project” with a simple icon of a budding tree.
The Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT) initiative, funded by ODEP, has won a 2025 Zero Project Award! PEAT was recognized for its work promoting disability-inclusive practices in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) by employers. The global disability rights–focused Zero Project selected 77 awardees, including PEAT, from 45 countries—out of 522 total nominations globally—for the innovation, impact and scalability of their solutions.
* *Learn more about PEAT’s award* [ ]
*Learn more about PEAT’s award* [ ]
DOL Awards $3 Million to Support Human Rights and Disability Employment in Cambodia
Blue and white Humanity & Inclusion logo.
The U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of International Labor Affairs recently announced a $3 million award to the humanitarian organization Humanity & Inclusion to strengthen the capacity of organizations of disabled persons and their key stakeholders in Cambodia to address labor exploitation and barriers that impede access to decent work. The funding will support sustainable ways to target barriers to the economic empowerment of persons with disabilities and address their vulnerability to child labor, forced labor and human trafficking. [ ]
*Read the DOL news release* [ ]
*Learn more about Humanity & Inclusion* [ ]
*U.S. Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy*
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